Jesse Goldswain: +352 661 863 599 - Christine MUNHOWEN +352 621 680 819
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120 Rue du Cimetière
L-8018 Strassen

Jesse Goldswain: +352 661 863 599

Christine Munhowen: +352 621 680 819

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Neck Pain

c spine

Your neck is made up of 7 bones (vertebrae) that attach your head to the rest of your body.

The main functions of the neck are

• Allow smooth, controlled movements of your head relative to the horizontal position of your eyes.

• Muscular support for your shoulders and back.

• Transmit information from your body to your brain and back again via the nervous system.

Normally your nervous system has very good control of the neck muscles that move your head but often these muscles become weak, especially when you damage the sensitive joints or discs between the vertebrae.

When the muscles are weak, your neck has difficulty in coordinating the fine, specific movements and make the injured joints unstable.

Stability is the name of the game. Without stability, your joints engage in repetitive injury and fail to recover leading to structural changes in the neck that looks like this:








Over time your neck posture changes, or other parts of your spine are effected. The solution requires an understanding of why the muscles in the neck are weak.

Surprisingly it is not because you need more exercise! Muscle weakness is a neurological problem, meaning there is a break down in the communication between the muscles and the nerves – a feedback process.

This is very easy to examine, and once the weakness is found we can find the cause of the weakness.