Jesse Goldswain: +352 661 863 599 - Christine MUNHOWEN +352 621 680 819
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120 Rue du Cimetière
L-8018 Strassen

Jesse Goldswain: +352 661 863 599

Christine Munhowen: +352 621 680 819

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Chiropractic is the leading science in complementary healthcare. Chiropractic

In essence chiropractors are spinal specialists, highly trained to deal with a wide range of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders from simple low back pain, sports injuries and migraines to complex disc hernias and advanced spinal degeneration.

Chiropractors use a wide range of treatment options to address spinal related dysfunction. The primary tool is the chiropractic adjustment. This is a highly skilled manual therapy that safely and gently restores problematic joints to normal.

Why d’Praxis chiropractors are different

At d’Praxis our patient’s satisfaction and recovery is our top priority. That’s why our chiropractors have longer-than-average sessions with their patients and generally achieve significant results in a short amount of visits.

Other than being officially registered chiropractors, our chiropractors have undergone additional training in Afferent Input and combine this innovative technique to get consistent and quick results.

What is Afferent Input


The Afferent Input Solution (AIS) is a diagnostic technique system for health professionals based on known anatomy, neurology and physiology applied in novel and clinically relevant ways.

AIS enables fully qualified health practitioners to examine and challenge their patients’ primary defense mechanism (the nervous system), and identify any and all weaknesses which make them vulnerable to illness or injury. This analysis quickly uncovers the best solution for that patient at that time.

This approach is great because:

  • Is easy and comfortable for anybody to undergo.
  • Is fascinating and reassuring to experience.
  • Connects the dots for you between areas of reduced spinal and muscle function that can be corrected for you to improve.
  • Not only focuses on the vertebral column, but also it can find if a problem is due to an old scar, due to nutritional deficiencies or many other different things.

Relatively few Chiropractors use or have mastered the Afferent Input Approach.